Notice on recommending the Pilot demonstration project of Manufacturing and Internet Integration Development of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2018

Provincial Economic and Information Commission 本站 2018-06-19 356

Guangdong Economic and Information Financial Cooperation Letter (2018) No. 23

Local level to listed economic and information management departments, provincial related units: 

According to the requirements of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Organizing the Pilot Demonstration work of the Integrated development of Manufacturing industry and the Internet in 2018 (Letter of the Office of Industry and Information Technology (2018) No. 185),To do a good job in our province pilot demonstration project recommendation work,Please immediately organize the application of pilot demonstration projects in your area (unit)。The relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows: 

1. Each applicant shall carefully fill out the corresponding "Demonstration Project Declaration" according to the requirements of the "2018 Pilot Demonstration Implementation Plan for Integrated Development of Manufacturing Industry and the Internet" (electronic documents can be downloaded from the official website of the Guangdong Economic and Information Technology Commission).。Among them, each declaration subject can only declare one project, and each declaration project involves no more than 2 types of pilot demonstration content。 

Please fill in the Summary Table of Pilot Demonstration Projects of Manufacturing and Internet Integration in 2018 (Annex 5).,Before 17:00 PM, June 25 (Monday) (subject to the delivery time), the project recommendation document (including summary table) of the region (unit) shall be submitted in duplicate, the paper version of the project application materials in triplicate, and the electronic version (CD or U disk) to the Commission (Manufacturing and Internet Integration Development Office).。Due to the tight time, please hurry to handle, overdue will not be accepted。 

Annex: 1.Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on organizing the pilot demonstration of the integrated development of manufacturing industry and the Internet in 2018

(Office of Industry and Information Technology Letter (2018) No. 185) 

2.Application for pilot demonstration project of integration of manufacturing industry and Internet in 2018

3.Application for Pilot demonstration Project of Manufacturing and Internet Integration in 2018 (China-Germany intelligent Manufacturing Cooperation Direction)      

4.2018 Manufacturing and Internet Integration pilot demonstration project declaration (two integration management system implementation direction)

5.Summary of pilot demonstration projects for the integration of manufacturing and the Internet in 2018 

Guangdong Economic and Information Technology Commission

June 13, 2018

Contact: Liu Kundong, Liu Xin, Tel: 020-83133375, 83133385, E-mail:,Address: Room 812, Guangdong Economic and Information Commission, No. 100 Jixiang Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China)

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